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Earn money from home with your Andriod phone New method

Earn Money From Home

Are you searching part time job or earn extra money then this post will help you. If you are student or House wife then you have to need extra money. No one can give you job if you student because you have no time for job. Now we are giving you a method to earn money without any investment. You can work in your free time. Daily work 1 hours in your free time to Earn money with your Andriod mobile from home.

Earn money  with a referring application. which can give you Rs. 30 per refer. Its give you not only sinfle inome. This application will give ypu rendering income means when you team work for them automaticaly you will get income. Earn unlimited daily by inviting your friends.

How to work

* Download Prime Cash app. To download click here

* Sign up
      Need for sign up.
      Name, Email, Date of Birth, Mobile no. (create a password and remember it)

* Enter referral code sajo6407
    (Remember must enter refer code [sajol6407]

     (You will get OTP in your mobile number) then verify your number by entering OTP code)

* Now compleet the given task for active your application deshbord
  (Need 10 points to active deshbord. so you can download any application or you can complete given servey. when you earn 10 points your deshboard will be open)

* Now refer and earn money (30 Rs. each refer)

* Help your team to work and earn more

What is benefit 

Team self earning Income

1st Level  25% commission
2nd Level 10%
3rd Level  5%
4th Level  3%
5th Level  3%
6th Level  2%
7th Level  2%

Incomr Plan

comming soon
Earn money

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